That is me
Hello there
Sloth in the Kitchen is all about cooking and nutrition. Here you will not only find many simple recipes, but also product tests, kitchen hacks and much more that will help you to make your life in your kitchen as easy as possible.

But that's not all. Photographers, designers and last but not least other bloggers will find lots of free stuff at the Lazy Sloth Kitchen. If time allows, I will regularly provide you with new tools, presets and photos. Completely free, self-developed, programmed or photographed. Just drop by more often.

My name is Martin, have fun at

Sloth in the Kitchen stands for both uncomplicated and delicious comfort food with mainly fresh, regional and seasonal ingredients. No long shopping lists or preparation steps that are difficult to understand. It's all about bringing great dishes to the table in no time.
My studio

The history of Sloth in the Kitchen

I had the idea of starting a food blog with simple, quick recipes from the very beginning of my career as a food photographer. Unfortunately, my work as a photographer, web designer and software developer made it difficult to take care of the food blog project, which is close to my heart. At the beginning of 2022 I was finally able to start the final phase of my own food blog.
soy butter pasta
Spaghetti aglio, olio e peperoncino
As a passionate food photographer, hobby cook and web developer, it was just a matter of time starting my very own food blog. The fact that several years passed from the first basic idea to finally launch the website is not a big deal. Good things just take time. Sloth - Smiley
Hot tea
Get yourself some tea, lay back and enjoy the time at Lazy Sloth Kitchen. There's a lot to discover here.