License terms for stock photos and vector graphics

Here you will find the license terms for stock photos and vector graphics that you can download at Sloth in the Kitchen.

You may use stock photos and vector graphics privately or commercially without naming the author. I'm not a fan of lengthy license terms. That's why I've limited the terms to three simple rules for you.
  1. You may not sell the image as a standalone image or use it to create products with intent to purchase if the primary value of the product is associated with the image itself. (e.g. posters, framed art, t-shirts). For private use, however, you are of course welcome to hang the picture on the wall. 🙂
  2. You may not share the image, offer it for download on your website or another website or pass it on to third parties. However, disclosure to third parties is permitted if it is necessary for the use of the image. E.g. forwarding the image to a printer for printing flyers.
  3. The image may not be used specifically: for political interests, for tobacco advertising, if personal rights or the rights of third parties are violated, if the use is defamatory and/or violates applicable laws and regulations.